Monday, February 14, 2011

In the Beginning...

There was one woman,  one blog, and a desire to eat healthier, save money and become the cook she always wanted to be.

I'm a twenty-eight-year-old mom to one rambunctious two-year-old boy and wife to one delightfully snarky engineer who thinks I'm cute when I'm mad. Currently I'm a stay-at-home mom who finds herself waaay too easily uttering one-liners from Veggie Tales movies, so it's high time that I find something creative to focus on besides perfecting my latest vegetable joke.

Given a recent downturn in the economy and a desire to help our monetary situation, I have decided to take on home cooking to a whole other level. There may be blood. There will most certainly be tears (either mine or my two year old's)... but hopefully, there will be some smiles, laughter, and a whole lot of good food!

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