Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 6: Healthy Trail Mix

I found out we're making a bit of an unexpected road trip to Dallas this weekend through next week for my husband's work. Since I'm becoming more conscious about healthy food, I came to the succinct conclusion that Convenience Store Gourmet is not going to cut it for snacks. I did a little searching online searching for inspiration and came upon suggestions for trail mix, but I hate the sodium content in many of the processed trail mixes, so I made my own.

Healthy Trail Mix

What you'll need:
1 1/2 c granola or rice based cereal (I used Aldi's GetBalance Crunch)
1 c Cheerios
1 1/2 c Corn Chex
1 c Almonds
1 c Dried mixed berries (strawberries, cranberries, blueberries)
1 c Semi-Sweet chocolate chips

Put in a large container, shake until well mixed.

Rating from the Experts*: For a much healthier mix, no added salt, and some good sweet stuff I give it a 10/10. If my husband is any indication, he immediately came over and dipped his hand into the tupperware container and started scarfing it down, eliciting sounds of approval.

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